Yoast SEO 使用笔记

  1. Focus Keywords的使用
    • 在文章的title、heading、subheading中至少出现一次吧。Tip:建议title包含
    • 文章正文中需要出现几次。最好文章的第一段有包含
    • 关键字密度建议值为 1%~2%。即一个300字的文章出现关键字3-6次。
  2. Meta Description
    • 谷歌搜索结果,如果meta中不包含关键字,则会随便显示一段文章的内容。所以在meta description中最好包含关键字
  3. 如何选取focus keywords
    1. 尽量一篇文章使用一次focus keyword
    2. 使用长尾关键字,提高排名。
    3. 尝试搜索引擎的建议
  4. 一些keyowrd的名词介绍
    • Keyword research can be defined as the work you do to come up with an extensive list of keywords you want to rank for.
    • Keyword strategy is about the decisions you make on the basis of that keyword research.
    • Key phrases are keywords containing multiple words. We tend to use the word keyword all the time, but we don’t necessarily mean it’s only one word. ‘WordPress SEO’ is a keyword, as is ‘Google Analytics plugin’. Keywords usually consist of multiple words! So, in this guide, when we talk about keywords, we usually mean a phrase, rather than a single word.
    • Long tail keywords are more specific and less common because they focus more on a niche. The longer (and more specific) search terms are, the easier it will be to rank for the term. Keywords that are more specific (and often longer) are usually referred to as long tail keywords.
    • Focus keyword is the keyword or the key phrase you most want your page to be found for. You should put your focus keyword into the meta box of the Yoast SEO plugin.
    • Search intent is all about discovering what a searcher actually wants. These are not just keywords, but the underlying goals of what a searcher wants to know, do or buy.